Regular Stress Test – A regular cardiac exercise stress test is a painless, non-invasive test (no needles or cutting skin). This test measures electrical (EKG/ECG) changes to your heart during stress (like exercise). This test takes 45 minutes. The results of this test help your doctor diagnose coronary artery disease also known as CAD.
Lexiscan / Lexiwalk Stress Test - The lexiscan stress test is a stress test for patients who cannot walk on a treadmill. The tracer (cardiolite) is utilized. Images are obtained before the lexiscan is infused and after the lexiscan is infused. This helps to determine if areas of the heart are receiving enough blood or if there are blockages (coronary artery disease)
Lexiscan / Lexiwalk Stress Test - The lexiscan stress test is a stress test for patients who cannot walk on a treadmill. The tracer (cardiolite) is utilized. Images are obtained before the lexiscan is infused and after the lexiscan is infused. This helps to determine if areas of the heart are receiving enough blood or if there are blockages (coronary artery disease)